ARK – Advances in Robot Kinematics is a boutique robotics international series of symposia. My first idea to organize a specialized conference on robot kinematics dates back to 1986. The initial supporters of this idea were scientists of the highest reputation, such as B. Roth, O. Khatib, K. Waldron, J. Angeles, V. Parenti-Castelli, M. McCarthy, M. Stanisic, B. Siciliano and others. At the first symposium, which I organized in Ljubljana in 1988, we agreed that we would organize ARK symposia every two years in the area of the Mediterranean and the Alps. So far, 18 symposia have been held. The proceedings are published in the form of edited books, which have been published by Springer (initially Kluwer) from the very beginning.

Many original scientific achievements in the field of robot kinematics were published at ARKs. However, the essential contribution of these symposia is not only scientific, but in the first place is cooperation and friendship between scientists who specialize in robot kinematics, which led to many new scientific problems and solutions, some of which found their way into everyday robotics practice. Robot kinematics is one of the foundations of modern robotics both in design and in control of robots. Even today, after 36 years, there is no shortage of scientific problems in this field, so I believe that ARK still has a great and prosperous future ahead of it.
Jadran Lenarčič

including the symposium chairs, books and locations,
are listed HERE

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